You will see your Scheduled tasks in the 'Your Tasks' tab prior to the task start date/time. A task will then move to the Active tab around 1 hour before the task start time.
Any task that you have completed or were not selected for will appear in the Archived tab. See the picture below for an example. The picture shows a status of "Scheduled," which means that you are selected to work on that task. If it says anything besides 'Scheduled,' you are not selected and should not go.
To view tasks you have applied to and have been scheduled for, hit the 'Tasks' tab.
Under 'Your Tasks,' you will see your scheduled tasks.
One hour before your scheduled tasks start time, you will see your task move from the 'Your Tasks' tab to the 'Active' tab.
Under the 'Archived' tab, you will see any task that you have completed or any task that you were not selected for.
Note: Only go to tasks that you are scheduled for! You will see a status of Scheduled within that task in your task view. If this says anything besides Scheduled, the Customer is not expecting you, and you run the risk of not getting paid. Do not show up!