Here is some general information regarding updating your payout method for tasks. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Field Operations Representative or email our support team at
How To
Updating your credit card on file is a few quick clicks away.
- Click the settings icon (upper left-hand corner)
- Select "Account Information"
- Scroll down until you see the header "Payment"
- Select "Add a Payment Method"
- Hit "Credit or Debit Card"
- Fill out all fields and hit "Save Card"
Funds On Hold - Increasing Your Credit Limit
Whenever you post a task, you authorize Stripe to charge the card on file for the full amount that task is posted for (once the task has been completed and confirmed.) The funds are held on your credit card and not immediately charged, which ensures you have enough funds to cover the payout for that task. The amount on hold will be the total amount of the task. Each task posted will create an individual charge that is held.
Since the funds are on hold, we recommend increasing your credit limit on the card on file with your bank, especially if you use this card for day-to-day business charges. This will help ensure the payout transaction goes through and avoid any inconvenience in your daily operations.
Canceled Tasks
When a task is canceled, the funds that were on hold for that task will still be held for 48 hours before being released (this may vary based on your credit card company on if the funds are held longer.)
Failed Payment
For some reason, if your payout fails, we ask that you update your payout method in the Hyer app as quickly as possible to ensure that it does not affect any tasks.
If a transaction does not go through successfully, you may receive communication from Hyer personnel to see if any assistance may be needed.
Some businesses may qualify to have Tasks financed by Hyer and invoiced back to them. Invoicing requires a certain level of commitment and volume. To discuss payment options, please get in touch with your Field Operations Representative, who will connect you with the correct party to discuss this.
Stripe is the third-party secure payment processor Hyer uses to facilitate all payment transactions.