What are Hyer Bonuses on Tasks?
Occasionally, Hyer offers monetary bonuses to complete specific Tasks at specific locations. These bonuses are paid in addition to the Task payment and will be listed separately from the Task payment in Stripe.
Who offers the Hyer Bonus?
The Hyer Bonus is offered by Hyer itself, not by the Customer. If you have any questions about Hyer Bonuses, please reach out to Hyer Customer Support by following the steps in this Help Center Article: How do I reach out/contact Customer Support?
What are the restrictions for Hyer Bonuses?
There are several restrictions in place for the Hyer Bonuses:
- You must be scheduled for the Task after the Hyer Bonus has been offered.
- If you had been previously scheduled to work a Task that was later incentivized with a Hyer Bonus, you would not be eligible for the Hyer Bonus.
- Please note: If you attempt to cancel a Task you have been scheduled for so that it can be rescheduled for a Hyer Bonus Task, our attendance policy will mark this against you.
- You must fully complete the Task that you were assigned.
- You will only receive the Hyer Bonus if you complete all the work associated with a Task, including all of the events or hours, and clean your area when the Task is finished.
- Hyer reserves the right to add or remove a Hyer Bonus from any Task at our discretion.