There are two ways to post a task, through the Hyer app itself or through the Hyer Customer Portal.
When you are on the Hyer app, click on the Post Task button on the bottom middle of your screen. After you click on the button, it will ask some questions and go over a few details. You will first confirm the business, task type, and location of the task you want to post for. Next, you will pick the date and time of the task, which can be set to a specific time or as flexible. You will then complete the process adding more task details, and by choosing whether you want it sent out as a public or private task. You can also choose if you want to add identical tasks. And, that's it! Your task is posted and ready for review by your workers!
You can also post tasks and complete these same steps by logging into the Hyer Customer Portal and clicking on Post Tasks on the main menu of the portal.